Your parents' parents parks plan

The 55+ demographic is huge for Disney Parks as grandparents are the silent financiers of big budget, multi-generational family vacations. I was the lead writer on this national Disney Parks account. I captured the memories shared across generations, showcasing the true magic Disney talks so much about. The two areas below are where "The Grand Adventure" took shape during my two years: the online video campaign as paid social and on Disney's Grand Adventure blog. The print campaign lived in AARP (the magazine), National Geographic, and O (the Oprah magazine).

Online Video

Partners wanted to spotlight four unique Disney Park tools. I wrote a social media series and led production on the "Grand Ideas." Each spot demonstrated a tool while tapping the conspiratorial relationship kids share with their grandparents.

Print Campaign

I was charged with refreshing the national print campaign. At that moment (and still, if you ask me), "dad jokes" were a thing. Each line started as a dry witticism passed from grandparent to grandchild, a "granddaddy joke" in essence.

  • GrandAnimals
  • GrandDwarfs
  • GrandKali
  • GrandMickey
  • GrandTea


GCD: Dennis Chalifour
ACD: Greg Menello
Senior AD: Stanise Richardson
Director: Mark Rosenburg
Production: Bodega Studios